Uliza-WI Chatbot – Installation and First Access

In previous years, you have received DCAS weather forecasts and farming advisories from AGRITEX and Weather Impact via SMS. This information was provided through the Zimbabwe
Agricultural Observatory (ZAO). This season, ZAO is providing similar information through a new channel: The Uliza-WI chatbot on Telegram.

The Uliza-WI Chatbot is developed by Weather Impact, supported by the World Bank and endorsed by AGRITEX and MSD.

We invite you to use the service by accessing the available information. You can expect weather forecasts and farming advice on maize and other crops. On top of that, advice for livestock will be developed and added in the next months. Extra functions:

Installation instruction

STEP 1: Installing Telegram

Click here to install the Telegram app from Playstore
Click here to install the Telegram app from Appstore

STEP 2: Accessing Uliza-WI Chatbot

Click HERE to install the Uliza-WI chatbot.

Below you will find two instruction video’s on how to install the chatbot and get started.

Video 1. Download the Telegram app and get access


Video 2: Get the first weather forecast

Alternatively, you find the steps you need to take below.