Weather Impact provides agribusinesses with easy to access, reliable weather and climate information. We have the mission to support climate adaptation with user-friendly sustainable weather solutions. Our services are flexible, tailor-made, and available in various languages across Africa, Asia and Europe. Right now over 900,000 farmers receive weather forecasts and farm management advisories directly on their mobile phones, either via simple text messages, mobile phone application or chatbot.
Our accurate weather alerts, seasonal forecasts and climate risk analyses supports stakeholders in the agricultural and business sector and strengthens their resilience in a changing climate. Reliable local weather data reduces losses and helps optimize global food production.
We partner with various private companies, NGO’s, Research institutes and National Meteorological Agencies to reach farmers in the last mile with crucial weather and climate information. By helping local partners to build up capacity and give them the needed training, we play a role in improving the usability and lasting impact of the service, leading to significant value.
Latest news
Winter BBQ and team outing to Texel In the last two weeks Weather Impact has celebrated it's anniversary well! We look back on a cozy winter ba...
Cake for Weather Impact 10 years Weather Impact! With pride, we look back on the past decade: the incredible work we’ve done, the...
Data collection training to monitor farmers’ activities and crop growth Tanzania Youth Espouse for Gender and Development (TYEGD) and TARI recently conducted a data collection traini...
Our mission is to support climate adaptation with user-friendly sustainable weather solutions
Where we are active
Weather Impact is currently active in the following countries. Click on a marker for more information.