Our projects

Below you will find some of our projects. Click on a tile for more information.

  • “The weather forecasts that Weather Impact provides are send to the farmer by SMS. Each farmer gets a personalized messages for his/her area.”
    SBN, Ethiopia
  • “I shared the weather forecast with my colleagues. Some of them thought that I intervened with God’s work. This information is very useful for farmers, so I hope it will be available for others.”
    Mr. Yelale, sesame farmer in Ethiopia
  • “The weather forecasted helped me to reduce the risk of post-harvest losses. When I saw the rain forecast, I hired additional labour to get my harvest safely from the field before the rain came.”
    Mr. Gurshaw Yilma, mixed farmer in Ethiopia
  • “After receiving advice from AgriCloud, I can see now my farm has become better.”
    Mr. M.P. Tlamama, farmer
  • “There is a real need for operational decision support tools to reduce weather and climate related risks in agribusiness”
    Obed Phahlane, researcher at the Agricultural Research Council
  • “Our farmers received the text message and were very excited about it. Some even went to the extent of showing their neighbours the weather information. They mentioned that the weather condition was more reliable than what they received from other media sources.”
    An anonymous extension officer from Sugar Research Institute, Kenya
  • “Weather-team; you are spot-on!”
    George, extension officer from Sugar Research Institute, Kenya
  • “...Now farmers have a service that can tell [...] how the weather is likely to behave and what the next step in their farming business should be.”
    Coffee management group, Kenya