Democratic Republic of the Congo
Climate risk indicators
In this project an analysis of long historic time series of precipitation and temperature for East Congo is executed. This results in a description of the climate of East Congo and more specifically the surroundings of Virunga NP, and the suitability of the climate to sustainably grow high-quality oil palm. The project was executed for Solidaridad, and international civil society organization. Within this project, we aimed to answer the following questions:
- What is the average climate for precipitation and temperature;
- Can significant trends be determined in historic time series of precipitation;
- Can significant trends be determined in future time series of precipitation (under climate change);
- Can local differences in precipitation be detected in the target areas?
- What does this tell us about the suitability of the area to grow oil palm?
An analysis is made of long historic time series of precipitation and temperature for East Congo. We research the occurrence of trends in historic and future precipitation climatology, for the latter climate change projections are considered. Main project activities performed: Climate data analysis based on several sources of long-term precipitation and temperature records, Crop characteristic identification, development of climate suitability maps.
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