Bangladesh S2S forecast

Weather Impact is working on a project to operationalize seasonal to sub seasonal weather information for Bangladesh Meteorological Department. This forecast is issued each Sunday, and is valid for 4 weeks.
This webpage displays a forecast for the coming week (week1), a forecast for one week from now(week2) and an outlook for the rest of the month (week3+4), which is updated every week.

The following three parameters are visualized:

For each variable three displays of the forecast are available:

Week 1 (Period: 07.07.2023 to 13.07.2023)

T max


T min





Week 2 (Period: 14.07.2023 to 20.07.2023)

T max


T min





Week 3+4 (Period: 21.07.2023 to 03.08.2023)

T max


T min





MJO phase diagram (beta)

The figure below shows the time evolution of the Madden-Julian-Oscillation phase. This oscillation has a period of 30-60 days. The light green line represents the ensemble forecast for the next 15 days, which is preceded by the historic MJO phase of the last 40 days. Each preceding month is distinguished by a distinct color, and the accompanying numbers indicate the corresponding dates within their respective months. The yellow lines represent ensemble members.
When the phase is 3, 4, or 5, wetter than normal conditions can be expected. In phases 6,7 and 8, conditions are likely to be drier than normal. For example, the phase on the 10th of June is 3. This diagram is updated every three days.

Jointly prepared by BMD, DAE, Weather Impact-Netherlands, Wageningen Environmental Research and Digital Innovation for Impact (Dii-Dhaka) under BWCSRP (Component-C), supported by World Bank