Social KPI’s – Impactful numbers from 2023
As 2024 starts, it is good to look back at 2023. But what determines a good year for Weather Impact?
As in most organizations, the financial well-being and results are important at Weather Impact. However, our team found this too one-dimensional as it does not encompass how useful, meaningful or satisfying our work is. Let alone that it indicates the impact that Weather Impact makes.
By creating these so called ‘social KPI’s’ (Key Performance Indicators) we ensure that we also incorporate these valuable and meaningful characteristics into our business decisions by putting them on the same level as the financial ones.
So here are some impactful numbers from 2023:
- Weather Impact reached ca. 722,000 individual farming households with our agri-weather services across 9 different countries in Africa and Asia.
- In total, Weather Impact sent out 13.2 million SMS’s to farmers during 2023.
- Weather Impact provided a total of 243 training hours on meteorology, agri-weather, climate change, and digital services to 622 participants from a broad range of backgrounds, e.g. from smallholder farmers to policy makers, and from meteorologists to extension staff.
- Weather Impact employees shared 92 posts on LinkedIn to let you all know about our projects and impactful work.
- Weather Impact employees rate their involvement in company decision-making with an 8.6 (out of 10).
- All the above was made possible by our small, but highly skilled and dedicated team! In 2023, Weather Impact’s team grew from 6 to 8 employees!
Cheers to a beautifull and prosperous new year with great new projects!