Weather Impact continues weather SMS in Kenya during short rains
The short rains in Kenya are starting. Weather Impact starts this week the seasonal SMS weather forecast to Kenyan farmers. This service is a continuation of the CropMon services.
Around 130.000 farmers that were registered during the CropMon project will receive a weekly weather forecast. The forecast contains information about the temperature and rainfall in the upcoming week. Farmers use this information to plan their farm management practices, such as planting, weeding and harvesting. The weather forecast, and especially the rainfall information, is valued as important information by the farmers. During the CropMon project, 98% of the farmers has indicated the rainfall information as useful. They trust the information and use it on a daily basis.
“Farmers are very happy that Cropmon weather message is back”
Zadock N. Adika, Equity Group Foundation
Weather information is a very powerful tool to support efficient farm management, using the right inputs at the right time, reducing weather and climate risks. Not only farmers can benefit from a weekly or daily weather update. Weather services can de-risk financial products, generate daily attention to the digital application and, when bundled as a customer-service with input provision, it supports customer loyalty.