Looking for accurate weather data?
Weather Impact’s operational API makes it easy to directly connect to our operational weather services:
- 10 day weather forecast
- weather forecast messages in your language of choice
- weather alerts
- farm management advice
- historical data
- and more
What is an API?
An API (Application Programming Interface) is a way of communicating between computer programmes. By using a very simple piece of computer code, it is possible to make requests to our API. These requests return the services of Weather Impact automatically. Whether you are looking to obtain weather data, or you want to plug your own application onto our meteorological database, or you want to receive complete weather services, the Weather Impact API is an easy way of obtaining all the weather information you need.
The Weather Impact API is a RESTful API and can be accessed easily using an API Client (e.g. Insomnia, Postman) or using an operational script in a scripting language (e.g. Python). We provide various endpoints for different user types. We offer weather information on grid basis using the Weather Impact Web Services. To obtain information for a single location, you can connect to our Mobile API.
1. Gridded data
Gridded data can be obtained by a GET request to the Weather Impact Web Services. General information on these endpoints is provided on the WIWS homepage. The use of the WIWS is supported if you want to obtain weather information on a daily basis for a complete country. We provide the data in various data formats (e.g. json, netCDF or tiff). The Weather Impact Web Services are used in several of our projects, e.g. MyVAS4Agri and Mavo Diami, to provide our weather information to our project partners.
2. Location specific data
Clients that are interested in location specific data (requests for a single location), are encouraged to use our Mobile API. Data from the Mobile API can be obtained by both GET and POST requests. More information on the Mobile API for developers can be found in the swagger definition (Microsoft Edge is recommended to obtain the swagger definition). The Mobile API is used to provide the Weather4Farmers application with the latest weather forecast.
API usage tutorial
Request a demo
If you are interested in using our API, feel free to reach out to learn more. By requesting a demo, we provide you with a few demonstration API requests together with an example file containing weather forecast data. We will also advise you which endpoints suits best to your needs.
To get a quote for the services, location, and number of data you need, please contact us.