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Bundling crop insurance and weather information to reduce agricultural loss in Mali

Weather Impact has joined a partnership with OKO Finance and Georg-August-Universität Göttingen to provide a combined service of crop insurance and agri-weather advisories to smallholder farmers in Mali. At the moment, OKO already successfully provides crop insurance to farmers in Mali. With this crop insurance, farmers mitigate the risks of failing seasons. However, insurance cannot assist farmers in optimizing their farming practices and yield. With the help of the InsuResilience Solutions Fund (ISF), the consortium will add Weather Impact’s weather and climate advisory services to the insurance product. Read more ›

Celebrating 5 years of collaboration with Villagelink

We are grateful for five successful years of collaboration between Weather Impact and Village Link since 2018. This partnership has been focused on supporting Myanmar’s farmers through the development of tailored weather forecasts, weather alerts, crop suitability maps, and more. These agro-meteorological products by Weather Impact have been adopted in the Village Link’s Htwet Toe app (High Yield). Read more ›

Capacity building – creating local ownership and a long-lasting service

With capacity building, we aim to empower local ownership so stakeholders can actively participate in decision-making processes and contribute to the sustainability of the services. Besides delivering reliable and high-quality weather services, it is key to train the relevant staff and organizations to optimally benefit from the information and tools provided.
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Welcome Joep Bosdijk

We are happy to welcome Joep to our team. He studies Earth and Environment at Wageningen University and is doing his internship at Weather Impact. During his master’s thesis, he discovered his passion for creating weather models for countries that have limited capabilities in that area, which eventually led him to Weather Impact. Read more ›

Sub-seasonal to seasonal forecasts – official launch in Bangladesh

As part of the S2S4Agri project, a team from Weather Impact visited Bangladesh in March 2023. For this project, a S2S (Sub-seasonal to Seasonal) forecasting system was developed, which provides weather forecasts for farmers on the scale of weeks, up to four weeks in advance. The objective of this trip was to train people from BMD (Bangladesh Meteorological Department) and DAE (Department of Agricultural Extension) to use our newly developed S2S forecasting system which was officially launched afterwards. Read more ›

Capacity building in Lesotho

During our trip to Lesotho last week, we had the opportunity to train a wide variety of ca. 40 stakeholders on the development, use and benefit of agro-weather tools for the farmers of Lesotho, Southern Africa. This capacity building training week is part of a 1.5-year assignment of Weather Impact by the Smallholder Agricultural Development Project (SADP-II), funded by World Bank and IFAD, to Read more ›

Vacancy Business developer

We are hiring!

To grow our business, we are looking for an experiences business developer, an enthusiastic networker with minimal 3 years of working experience who knows how to acquire new projects and set up new (international) partnerships. Read more ›

Paula joins Weather Impact

We are happy to expand our team with our newest colleague Paula Trakostanec. She will work as business developer and will be a real added value with her Agricultural background and her great network. Read more ›

Compensation CO2 emissions with Trees for All

Together with Trees for All we donated 50 trees in the Green Friday Forest. 🌳

Our project work outside Europe makes it necessary for employees to visit those countries by plane. Weather Impact wants to make a positive contribution to the changing climate, therefor we compensate all our CO2 emissions every year.