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Workshops weather and climate

We are offering several courses related to weather, forecasting and climate, they are now scheduled for the coming months and open for registration.

Whether you’re looking for basic weather knowledge, or as a water manager you want to be able to anticipate on extreme weather events that occur? We offer several interesting courses that will give you a wealth of information. Read more ›

Zware buien vierdaagse 2-5 juni 2021

Afgelopen week (2 t/m 5 juni) was er voor het eerst dit zomerseizoen een echte zware buien situatie in Nederland. Gedurende de week werd het steeds warmer, tot en met 29 °C op donderdag 3 juni, en daarbij werd de lucht ook steeds vochtiger, twee ingrediënten die cruciaal zijn voor het ontstaan van zware buien die lokaal extreme hoeveelheden neerslag kunnen produceren. Kortom, een ideaal testmoment voor ons Waarschuwingssysteem voor Extreme Neerslag dat deze zomer in pilotfase wordt getest door 17 overheidsorganisaties (waterschappen, gemeentes, veiligheidsregio’s en RWS). 

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Localized seasonal forecast for Myanmar’s monsoon

The monsoon season in Myanmar is about to start. For farmers, the monsoon season is the main source of water for their crops. Information about the seasonal precipitation forecast is therefore vital and helps them in their long term planning. After a successful pilot during the 2020 monsoon season, Weather Impact continues to provide a monthly seasonal update with the rainfall forecast for the Htwet Toe application. Read more ›

Internship Valeria and Jane

Since April our team has been strengthened by two students from Wageningen University and Research.

Valeria is a student originally from Italy who has been living in the Netherlands for a while now. This year she is completing her MSc Climate Studies at Wageningen University & Research, where she is specialized in human-environment interactions. Read more ›

Stocktaking of climate, weather and water services in Southern Africa

Billions of dollars are spent on adaptation to climate change efforts on the African continent. Early warning services for droughts, floods, cyclones and other extreme weather events are essential to prepare in-time for climate disasters. Reliable services require high quality local weather, water and climate data. National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) are the mandated organizations for providing these services, and are the key-stakeholders for provision of quality data, information and models for weather and water. Read more ›

Grape Compass

Fungal disease infections are constant battles for grape growers. Farmers have much to lose, don’t know actual disease risks and as a result preventively apply high doses of fungicides. This results in overdosing, high chemical and labour costs, environmental pollution and residues on grapes.

Weather Impact now bundles forces with WineJob and HydroLogic, to boost sustainability of the wine sector with a new, data-driven crop-protection technology; Grape Compass. Read more ›

Weather4Farmers app & API

The digitization of the agricultural sector is developing rapidly. More and more farmers have access to a smartphone and internet coverage is becoming available even at remote places.

We now have the technology ready for our own mobile application; the Weather4Farmers app.
Weather Impact has developed this prototype app to support farmers, not only with accurate weather data, but also with farm management advise for a specific location. Read more ›

New vacancy Business developer/ project manager

Weather Impact is a Dutch company, specialized in weather & climate services and consultancy. We work all over the world, delivering services to the agricultural and business sectors. Our innovative tools allow clients to minimize weather and climate impact and take effective decisions, minimizing risk.

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G4AW Pitch Fest at Climate Adaptation Summit

We make farmers more resilient for climate change and optimize global food production, an important topic at the Climate Adaptation Summit on 25th and 26th of January 2021. Geodata for Agriculture and Water, the National Space Office, organized a G4AW Pitch Fest, which will be shown during the side event of the summit. We contributed with our own video, about our accomplishments with G4AW projects so far and the development of our digital weather forecasting service. We are ready for the next steps and for scaling up our weather and climate services, to reach more farmers!

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We congratulate Dr. Pleun Bonekamp

Pleun successfully defended her PhD thesis at Utrecht University last week. She performed 4 years research about climate change, weather extremes and mountain meteorology in Asia and published 4 first-author peer-reviewed papers. At weather Impact Pleun will continue working on similar topics and use her knowledge to develop weather and climate services. We want to congratulate Dr. Pleun Bonekamp with this great achievement!